Edward Rumly
Where do I start? Surely you all seen the Stupid old saggy sad women work at the post office! She is blonde, miserable 100% I walked in to pick up my parcel as I approach the counter she was having a chat with her colleague and of course i had to break their moments, she began giving me her nasty look disapproved my existing to make her to do her job! I showed her my green online screenshot collection detail and She immediately ask my id (bank card) off she went to seek my parcel and came back saying there is nothing for me! I show her again the card she went off again and came back with there is nothing like my name! I show her again my email address which contained the details of collection and also clearly my name on the email address! I never had this problem before and very rudely and her voice still ringing in my ears! I storm off never thought that i have been racial discrimination! Just my thought! So i went there again after few days, this time I was served by an older lady (short grey hair) the evil women spotted me and start giving her nasty look! The lady went and she did ask my photo id in polite manner as she about to get my parcel the horrid sad women rushed to talk to short hair lady not to give my parcel because she believe the parcel isn't mine!! So i ask the lady to resend my parcel to the address on it! Should be with me on next day! At this point I am convince that women is RACIST! Therefore I urge all asian not to go to wilmslow post office, I will put it on all my social media to alert this disgusting behaviour!!!
Never again I will use Wilmslow Tesco post office! Management should have her training how to customer service and she is not capable to do so (due to her age and racists toward asian) I also will put this to racist report!